Water Heater Repair: Troubleshooting Tips for West Columbia Homeowners

If you're experiencing issues with your water heater, such as a pilot light that won't stay lit or a sudden leak, our comprehensive guide will help you address them. In addition to smart repair suggestions and practical tips, we also offer repair services and maintenance to keep your system in great shape. Rest assured that we have the expertise and resources to provide dependable solutions to your water heater woes.

How does a water heater work?

Water heaters function through a straightforward and effective process. When a hot water fixture is activated, cold water enters the tank to be heated through electricity or gas. Hot water is retained at the top and is distributed to the tap through plumbing. The tank then refills as its hot water is used, and the cycle repeats. Familiarizing yourself with a water heater’s principles can prove useful in addressing any problems that may develop.

To avoid breakdowns, proper water heater maintenance is essential

To avoid the unpleasant surprise of a cold shower from a malfunctioning water heater, regular maintenance is essential. Fortunately, this is easy to achieve with simple measures that yield long-term benefits. For example, annual draining and flushing can prevent sediment build-up and prolong your machine's lifespan. It's also important to inspect the temperature and pressure relief valve, which not only ensures efficient functioning but also maintains safety. These upkeep practices guarantee hot water is always at your disposal.

Common signs your water heater

needs to be repaired or replaced

To guarantee access to hot water, you need a reliable water heater. However, after some time, it can break down and fail to be effective. Hence, it is necessary to perform regular checks to spot any issues that may indicate it's time for a replacement or repair. Recognizing the signs and promptly searching for "water heater repair near me" minimizes interruptions to hot water supply.

  • If there's no hot water coming out, it could be due to a blocked pipe or malfunctioning heating element.

  • No hot water at all? It might indicate a malfunctioning thermostat or internal heater parts.

  • Noticed a leak? You may have a broken valve or pipe that needs repairing.

  • Discoloration in your water suggests that your water heater tank needs replacing due to corrosion.

  • Strange noises? Sediment build-up can be the culprit and should be addressed promptly.

Detecting the warning signs of a failing water heater and taking prompt action to repair its faults can prevent the risk of facing unforeseen problems with your water heating system.

What can cause water heater malfunctions?

If your heater malfunctions, there could be various reasons such as faulty thermostats, electrical problems, or sediment accumulation. Although minor problems can be DIY-ed, a breakdown could indicate deeper system issues. To avoid unexpected breakdowns, it is advisable to keep your heater maintained and be aware of warning signs for seamless heating.

Check the temperature setting on your water heater

Keeping your water heater temperature in check is essential for safety and efficiency. Temperature that's too high can cause energy waste or severe burns, while a low temperature will leave you without sufficient hot water. But don't worry, optimizing the temperature only takes a few minutes and guarantees your comfort and convenience. For optimum safety and efficiency, follow the ideal temperature recommended by the Department of Energy, which is 120°F (49°C).

Perform regular

visual inspections

Regular inspections of your water heater, at least once every two months, are essential to maintaining its optimal functioning. While inspecting, be vigilant for leaks, rust, or other anomalies and promptly seek the help of a professional to address any issues found.

Test the water heater pressure relief valve

to make sure it works

Regularly testing the pressure relief valve of your water heater is essential for ensuring the safety and functionality of your water heating system. The primary role of the pressure relief valve is to release any excessive pressure within the tank, effectively reducing the chances of explosions or damage to the unit. It is crucial to periodically check this valve to confirm its correct operation and its ability to relieve pressure when required. By dedicating a little time to this simple maintenance task, you can avoid potentially dangerous situations and prolong the lifespan of your water heater.

Check for signs of rust and corrosion

around the water heater tank

Performing routine inspections on your water heater tank is crucial to maintain its optimal performance and reduce the risk of leaks and accidents. Although rust and corrosion may not always be immediately apparent, they can cause significant problems if ignored. To ensure your water heater receives the proper care it needs, make these inspections a priority. By promptly identifying and addressing any signs of rust or corrosion, you can prevent potential leaks and prolong the lifespan of your water heater. However, it's important to note that dealing with rust and corrosion requires the expertise of professionals. If you notice any indications of rust or corrosion during your inspection, it's advisable to seek the assistance of skilled professionals.

Water heater connections should be tight and secure

To ensure the safe and efficient operation of your water heater, it is essential to have tight and secure connections. Loose or improperly connected fittings can result in leaks, posing potential hazards and water damage to your home. By regularly inspecting and tightening these connections, you can prevent leaks and maintain the proper functioning of your water heater. We recommend periodic inspections to identify any areas that require tightening. If you are unsure about the correct tightening procedure or notice signs of leakage, it is highly advisable to seek the expertise of a professional plumber. Their assistance will ensure that your connections are securely fastened and any issues are promptly addressed.

Keep the water heater and pipes free of sediment buildup

Maintaining the efficiency and longevity of your water heater and pipes is crucial, and preventing sediment buildup plays a significant role in achieving this. The accumulation of minerals and debris over time can obstruct the tank and pipes, leading to various problems that affect the heater's performance. These issues include reduced water pressure, longer heating times, and potential damage to the system. To avoid such complications, it is important to regularly flush the water heater and remove sediment from the pipes. By doing so, you can ensure optimal water flow and energy efficiency, resulting in reliable hot water and a prolonged lifespan for your system. It is advisable to refer to the manufacturer's guidelines or seek assistance from a professional plumber for proper flushing and maintenance. Keep sediment buildup at bay to enjoy uninterrupted hot water and maximize the efficiency of your water heater and pipes.

Keep the water heater burner assembly clean

Keeping your burner assembly clean is crucial for maintaining optimal performance and longevity of your water heater. Over time, debris and dust can accumulate, obstructing the burner's flame and causing inefficient heating. This can potentially lead to damage to your system. By regularly cleaning the burner assembly, you can effectively eliminate any built-up dirt and ensure its proper functioning. The benefits of regular cleaning are manifold. Firstly, it helps prevent the occurrence of costly repairs that may arise from clogged burners or damaged components. By promptly removing debris, you can avoid any issues that could potentially compromise the overall operation of your water heater.

Check out the variety of water heater options available and learn how to maintain each type

Be aware of the types of water heaters available and their maintenance requirements:

  • It is recommended to perform an annual tank flushing for gas water heaters to eliminate sediment accumulation.

  • Depending on the age and status of electric heaters, replacement of the anode rod may be necessary.

  • Every few years, descaling of the heating elements is necessary to maintain tankless models.

  • For solar heaters, an annual check is required to ensure that the panels and other components are functioning properly.

  • For the condensing type, routine maintenance checks for corrosion and other problems are critical.

  • Regular software updates and firmware changes might be necessary for smart heaters.

  • Heat pump heaters must undergo an annual check for excessive heat and other issues detection.

To prevent issues with water heaters, it's crucial for homeowners to understand the types available and their specific maintenance requirements. By familiarizing themselves with this information and following proper maintenance procedures, they can ensure its optimal functioning and longevity.

Troubleshooting tips

to identify issues

with water heaters

When encountering a lack of hot water, temperature issues, or other abnormalities such as strange noises or leaks, it can be beneficial to take a few simple troubleshooting steps before contacting a technician. Common sources of the problem may include malfunctioning heating elements, faulty thermostats, or sediment buildup. With some basic troubleshooting techniques, it may be possible to independently diagnose and solve these issues, saving both time and money.

Benefits of hiring a licensed water heater expert

It is crucial to prioritize safety and comfort by contacting a licensed plumber if your water heater is damaged or malfunctioning. Professionals with the right knowledge and expertise can secure effective and safe solutions. Some advantages of working with licensed plumbers include:

  • Our services cover a wide range of water heater solutions, including certified installation of new systems, expert inspection and diagnosis of existing systems, replacements, repairs and maintenance.

  • Our professionals are equipped to troubleshoot problems and offer personalized advice for selecting the optimal system that best fits the needs of your home.

Due diligence is important

Water heaters require proper maintenance for optimal performance, which can save you time and money. Be on the lookout for issues, research their causes of malfunction, monitor temperature and pressure, and check for corrosion or rust. Ensure a secure connection between the tank and pipes and keep them free of sediment buildup. Make sure you learn about different types of water heaters and their maintenance requirements to choose the one that suits you. Lastly, have a licensed professional check everything is functioning appropriately.

Contact Us

One of the most significant investments you can make in your home is a water heater replacement.


PHONE:+(803) 784-1514


Merritt Plumbing & Heating
West Columbia, SC 29171